Google and the university of bring underwater life in view


Google and the university of Queensland, a Street View project started to give people a glimpse to throwing on the onderwatergebeuren in Eastern Australia lwa. The project has several goals, including the monitoring of climate change.

The Australian Catlin Seaview Survey project with a special for the research made underwater camera thousands of panoramic photos. That camera makes while he is pushed with a speed of 4km/h, every 4 to 6 seconds panoramic photos with geotags. The photos will, with image recognitionsoftware, and analyzed together to be knitted. That whole is than in the well-known panoramic Street View interface of Google cast.

In addition, like the researchers to explore the possible effects of climate change on deep coral reefs. At a depth between thirty and one hundred metres using a camera, the status and biodiversity of the diepwaterriffen mapped.

In the last part of the survey to be fifty animals, such as tiger sharks, turtles and manta rays, traced by the beasts to tag to be able to locate it via satellite. On the basis of data about the temperature and depth of the environment of the animal can linkages be established between the behaviors that an animal exhibits and the environment in which it is located.

There are already some teaserfoto to see it on the website of the project. The project is expected to be fully launched in september 2012, with as starting point The Great Barrier Reef.