Security services may be given more aftapbevoegdheden


The cabinet will examine whether the security services wider tapbevoegdheden for internet connections. At this moment only targeted taps are set, but later may perhaps virtual safety nets to be hung.

Minister Hans Hillen of Defense writes in a letter to the Second Chamber that is thought about the big tapbevoegdheden. Now security services such as the AIVD and the MIVD, internettaps’ where internet traffic is monitored, but which must be directed against a particular person be used. Now examine the cabinet or the possible need to also include untargeted interception. This is a safety net hung, and then the security services in all of the traffic that is intercepted will be able to search for relevant information.

Untargeted interception should, at this time, all communication in the ether; the security services may, for example, satellite communication interception. The idea is to use this power to internet connections to expand, it was suggested in a report of a committee monitoring the security services. Hillen will inform the Second Chamber ‘in the course of 2012,’ about the exact plans.

Bits of Freedom, that the letter to parliament of Hillen discovered, is perplexed by the more extensive tapbevoegdheid. That could ensure that the security of innocent internet users in their behaviour are able to follow. In recent years, the government has more grip on internet communication trying to get. So should the internet and e-mail providers information about the internet usage of their customers to keep track of. In the United States tapping by security services already more unfocused internet connections.