DigiD is provisionally not available for gemeentesites


It remains for the municipalities that are sealed from DigiD unclear when they are displayed on the service. Dozens of gemeentesites may have been a week with no access to Digital services, but a concrete target date is missing.

Public services Logius and the Govcert denied gemeentesites as a result of a vulnerability, as a precaution the access to Digital services. Municipalities must first install the security compliance before the user can use DigiD. They need to meet a checklist of Govcert, which the service has previously published. However, there is no external target date agreed.

The municipalities have for the use of DigiD an agreement with Logius, the public body that, inter alia, the safety of the service must ensure. They must be on the basis of a so-called security framework, to demonstrate that their site meets the requirements. That check can per community differ. For example, an ict official to be appointed to the afvinklijst to do, but it can form also along many of the departments to be sent. “Govcert and Logius analyze finally the finished list. Only then will DigiD for the municipalities affected”, says spokesman Michiel Groeneveld of Logius. It is, according to him, is not yet known how the checklist should be complied with; the procedures will follow later this year.

Including this week, is currently conducting a afvinkronde. This can be an ict representative and a webmaster sent out. The municipality may still not provide an estimate about when the checklist is completed. “We are depending on SIMgroep, the company that our website. SIMgroep have a number of checks of the system and run it. It is not known when it is finished,” said a spokesman.

The sites of about fifty municipalities were faced recently with a vulnerability, making them at the urging of the Association of Dutch Municipalities offline were met. It was also found dozens of sites a xss leak to contain it. No government agency can, however, municipalities require their website on black in case of emergencies; that are decided by the municipalities themselves. Only Logius may gemeentesite of DigiD shut down if it appears that the safety is in question. That situation may change by the possible advent of the ict ‘fire fighting’.