More and more Mega-Cities in Africa



More and more Mega-Cities in Africa

Africa’s cities in the coming years, a dramatic increase in the population. This was the result of the Federal Institute for population research (BiB) according to the analysis of UN data.

Lagos, Nigeria: The largest city in Africa South of the Sahara is up to 2030 to Megacity

The unabated population growth in Africa will lead to a strong urbanization and a Growth of major cities, predicted the Wiesbaden-based Institute.

While there is in Africa currently, only seven cities with more than five million inhabitants, would it be in the year 2030, already 18, so the BiB. Until then, the number of inhabitants will grow in these cities, to around 176 million people.

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The cities of Cairo in Egypt and Lagos in Nigeria are likely to be according to the BiB with around 25 million inhabitants, the most populous cities in Africa, followed by Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with around 20 million. In the same period, the Institute will double the number of smaller cities with between 500,000 and five million people from 104 to 199 almost. The focus of urban growth in the Region South of the Sahara. Also in Angola, Luanda, Johannesburg, and in the Tanzanian coastal city of Dar-es-Salaam, a massive growth is expected.

The rural Exodus and birth surplus

The main reason for the increasing urbanization of Africa, the BiB looks in a high birth surplus in the predominantly young population of the city. Furthermore, the influx of people from the rural areas to the revenge in the cities, better living conditions, promise. The rapid Growth of the emerging Mega-City’s significant challenges, to provide the predominantly young population with dwellings and infrastructure, but also with education and jobs, the Institute.

The Kibera Slum in Nairobi

Opportunities for the development of

At the same time, the urbanization, but also a Chance to a sustainable development in Africa, because cities are centres of Innovation and economic growth. In addition, access to medical care and to education at a lower cost, let in towns than in the country.

cgn/gri (epd, kna)