BKA-study: faster Jihadist



BKA-study: faster Jihadist

A new study by the BKA and the protection of the Constitution examines what join the IS. Forensic scientist Daniel Heinke in the interview-about the rapid radicalisation, a high proportion of women and Killed.

DW: At the higher regional court in Düsseldorf and in other courts in Germany is almost in a weekly cycle, a process against returnees from the ranks of the so-called “Islamic state”. If we refrain from these negotiated individual cases – what are the safety authorities, on persons traveling in the “Jihad”?

Daniel Heinke: We assume for the Moment that more than 800 people from Islamist Motivation have left the Federal Republic in the direction of Syria or Iraq. We were able to at the balance sheet date 30. June 2015 to carry a total of 677 people, in fact, comparatively a lot of personal data. We were able to
in our study, also across the evaluate so that we now believe to have a relatively good picture of what a group of people that is.

What is because of the data on the radicalisation processes?

We have found that approximately half of the Exit in just a year or less radicalized – almost a quarter of all Outbound within six months. This breaks with assumptions from earlier times, that this was a rather slow process. It is comparatively short processes are, increasingly, where it comes very quickly to this escalation, for departure.

With regard to the environment: It has been in the past, many theories that the Internet has a very strong influence. This is certainly not to deny. But it is still so that the direct reference to other people is the decisive factor.

Research focuses on terrorism and extremism: Daniel Heinke

The media reporting shows that the proportion of women entering in the IS-field, appears to be relatively. What do you know about the age groups and the gender distribution of the jihadists?

As the result of our study is really amazing: at The Moment, about a fifth of the outgoing female persons. This in itself is already high. Even more exciting it is, when the Phase after the proclamation of the Caliphate by the so-called “Islamic state” on 29. June 2014: After this date, the proportion of female Outbound has risen to 38 percent. This is very, very high, and you have to take a lot more, as it happened in the past.

You know why there are so many women is to the IS?

This is not yet explored in Detail. So far, the security authorities have concentrated on the male’s Departure, because of which the immediate greater danger emanated. The departure of women take part in extremely rare in combat operations, but serve, primarily, the establishment of the “Islamic state” and support the fighters on the ground. Nevertheless, you are authorizations a dangerous nucleus for more Radical, if you return to Germany – just like their male counter-parts.

Disillusioned – Traumatised – Fighters

How many of the over 800 jihadist travellers, which you mentioned, are returned, according to findings by the security authorities again to Germany?

The security authorities at the Moment is that about a third of all visitors to the country have in the meantime returned to Germany, so about 260. At 70 returnees is not known, or is at least strongly suspect, that you have to get experience in combat or at least military training. It is not excluded that more returnees are undetected came with the entry of the refugees into the country.

Terrorism expert Peter Neumann divides the returnees into three groups: the Disillusioned, the return and say: “we have presented to us differently, and that’s not really what we wanted to achieve.” May be open to a de-radicalisation. Secondly, there are the deranged people who, due to traumatic stress need psychological and psychiatric help. And thirdly, there are those determined to continue the fight to hold. In these groups, the security agencies, but also the other authorities react specifically. That is to say, deflect danger, but also the needy people of help to offer and you may receive as a credible witness in the case of prevention measures.

How many travellers in the Syrian civil war will forever remain there because they died in battle?

The security authorities in Germany, about 130 Islamists from Germany have been at the bottom killed. Either in fighting or in suicide missions.

Dr. Daniel Heinke is a researcher and works at the Bremen Institute for police – and security research.

The Interview was conducted by Matthias von Hein.