“‘Yahoo and Bing were faced with downtime caused by mistakes in code-update'”


The search engines of Microsoft and Yahoo are Friday gone offline because the former accidentally wrong code ge lwa pload, sources reported. Now the search engines are already available.

Sources within Yahoo have against Reuters news agency said that not hackers, but a faulty software update is the cause of the downtime. Microsoft would new code have to be rolled out for the Bing search engine, but who cared then that the site no longer functioned. Because Microsoft the Yahoo search engine, search results provided to deal with downtime.

Because Microsoft executed a rollback not worked, both Bing as Yahoo some time not been available, according to Reuters. By now, both search engines already online, but officially there is no information released about what the downtime has caused. On Friday went to Yahoo and Bing offline, while Microsoft’s Live.com, MSN and Outlook.com short time were not available.