Gas station of the Ausgebremsten



Gas station of the Ausgebremsten

Over 60,000 refugees are in this year has already come to Europe. But on the Balkan route are becoming more and more thwarted. A petrol station in Greece is the epitome, says Nemanja Rujević.

Reham Amairy can be quite a long list, against whom, in the last few weeks everything is fled is before the Terrormiliz IS, various rebel groups, the Syrian Regime. They were all against normal people, the 23-year-old Palestinian woman, with the Flüchtlingssein already a lot of experience. She grew up in Jarmuk, on the southern edge of Damascus, the nearby Palestinian refugee camp. They also tell of a terrible night on the high sea, as the Aegean sea in their little boat to swallow threatened. But now just trying Reham, the icy Balkan Wind to escape. “The situation here is miserable, it is so cold,” she says, and hides her face deeper into her hood with faux fur. “Already for three days we wait here and sleep in buses.”

A fire against the cold – to the resting place

The struggle to make the soup

Here is the now infamous become gas station of Polykastro, or better: near Greek town, on the road e-75, about 20 kilometers from the Greek-Macedonian border . At the rest stop, there are buses very close together. About 80 in number, what a crowd of around 4000 refugees corresponds to. From Athens, refugees are constantly here a journey, although the Macedonian border the road block. “It is not Greece to blame,” says a scarf masked policeman as if he wanted his homeland, the refugee crisis excuse. No, with the Macedonians, there no communication.

The government in Skopje is, in turn, occasionally, explanations of why the boundary is so often tight. Time it is called, there is a Bahnpanne in Slovenia. Time have Macedonian taxi driver with a Blockade in protest because the refugees – until recently, hochwillkommene clientele – now almost exclusively to Bus and rail use, to the small country to traverse. When and how many people in the direction of Western Europe are allowed to pass the white at the petrol station, not exactly.

Jacob is puzzled. The 25-Year-old – blond, tall, clothes from work dirty from Leipzig to come to the Raststäte to help. “I realize that here the side of the state and of the large NGOs, a lot is not covered. On the other hand, I wanted to see what’s really going on.” Jacob heard in his city to the so-called Anarchoszene, but it tells with a laugh, that not all here are necessarily anarchists. There are helpers from Holland, Switzerland, even from new Zealand had arrived. From your old dented station wagon, give the gift of homemade soup in plastic cups, hundreds of refugees are disciplined in the queue. The hot soup has a prehistory: It has a lot of nerve and time consuming, marriage is the Tankstellenpächterin the supply of hot food on your terrain allowed.

In the station shops made

“The aunt would like for their Chips to cash in,” say the volunteers derisively. Granted, “the aunt” is business-minded: Rapidly were temporary staff employed, the try, the orders of the refugees with Hähnchengyros and candy meet. A corner of the tight space was in a small Boutique turned into the winter jackets are logically a hit. The prices, however, are less customer-oriented manner: A Portion of Gyros with French fries costs for Greek conditions adventurous seven Euro for a bowl of soup you get for six.

The Routine

Outside burning dozens of bonfires by enthusiastic children kept alive, the impatient new branches of hang up. Boys play football and Volleyball, some seek protection from the Wind in the rooms, baggage rooms, the buses, where it is warm enough and yet not musty as above. Two men wide, a ceiling, and pull your shoes off to pray. The “Balkan route” teaches that a Routine everywhere quickly developed, where the refugees by the Thousands stranded. Certainly, the Routine also has its ugly sides: About the mother, her Baby on the Asphalt wrap, because it is not different to help white. Or dozens of parents, their children, to the mobile Station of Doctors without borders, because their cold is actually long been treated would need to be.

“Many of these people don’t even know that they do not get through that you will learn only at the border,” says the helper of Jacob. He says that’s all, not Syrians, Iraqis, or Afghans, and are thus in the reading of the Balkan countries as “economic refugees” are classified. Furthermore, to Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria on Wednesday in Skopje have agreed that only refugees with valid travel documents” to pass through. It initially remained unclear whether all of the one excludes the no passport anymore. And what do people who don’t weiterdürfen? “Many try to walk over the border to come or stay in the woods. And the families with young children who can’t… well, there are always buses back to Athens.” An intentional failure in Europe, see Jacob, the Anarchist of Leipzig, the location.

Reham Amairy is less politikkundig. The Palestinian woman holds a Syrian passport, and the iron will, to Hamburg, where her brother already earlier as a refugee shelter and a home. “I am now homeless, and hope to have a new home and find peace.” As heavy Raindrops start slowly, the roar of the rest stop, paralyze, says Reham, that they are in Hamburg like to continue in English literature would like to study. Or just become a nurse. The go also.