Rockstar announces last dlc for Red Dead Redemption to


Uitgeeflabel Rockstar has announced that in september, the latest dlc pack for Red Dead Redemption will appear. The announced content will be some new characters and new levels to the multiplayer mode to add.

The dlc pack will be titled Myths & Mavericks Bonus Pack will be out in september for free download from the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live, so you made Rockstar Wednesday known. The package will be a few often by fans requested characters to add to the range of playable characters in the multiplayer mode of the game. In addition, the dlc, new environments to add, which players are under more jars of Deathmatch, Grab the Bag and Gang Matches able to fight.

In the run-up to the release of the dlc package that gives Rockstar a update for Red Dead Redemption. This will be the game mode is Undead Overrun in its original condition to return. The settings are since the addition of the game mode changed, but within the community of Red Dead Redemption was the original version popular.

Red Dead Redemption was released in april 2010 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and was able since to count on several updates and dlc packages. The biggest dlc pack was Undead Nightmare, a new adventure to add to the singleplayermodus of Red Dead Redemption.