USA and Brazil hope to Zika-vaccination


Zika Virus

USA and Brazil hope to Zika-vaccination

The fight against Zika is being waged on two fronts: in the Free against mosquitoes, which transmit the Virus and in the laboratory against the pathogen itself. The USA and Brazil now focus their forces. Time is of the essence.

Huge challenge: Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff in front of a map of the country

Given the rapid spread of the dangerous Zika-Virus want the US and Brazil provide rapid and effective corrective action. To do this, U.S. President Barack Obama and Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff, a high-level group of experts, such as both in a phone call agreed. It was about the “struggle to strengthen and a vaccine against Zika Virus to develop”.

Brazil alone could be up to 1.5 million people with the Zika-pathogen infected, in the meantime also in the USA was introduced. Because in Brazil, in parallel with the cases of Schädelfehlbildungen dramatically increased, the authorities believe that the so-called Mikrozephalie is triggered when Pregnant with the Zika Virus. Sick children are usually severely mentally handicapped.

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Hundreds of thousands of soldiers against mosquitoes

“We will win this war,” said Rousseff after a video conference with the governors of affected States. In a day of action on 13. February should be nationwide up to 220,000 soldiers to fight against the mosquito species Aedes aegypti used to be, the Zika transfers. The Brazilian authorities are under time pressure: Next week, hundreds of thousands of people to the Karnevalsfeiern expected, and in August the Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro.

The world health organization (WHO) convened because of the Zika epidemic for Monday for a crisis meeting. Then it should be decided whether the WHO is a global Gesundheitsnotstand exclaims. The Virus width “explosively” in South and North America, was Director-General Margaret Chan on Thursday explains. WHO experts are concerned that
up to four million people
with the pathogen could infect.

jj/as (dpa, afp)