Government attracts even more money for


The government provides additional money to to refresh. One of the requirements is that the site is ‘rock-solid hosting” to downtime, such as after the fire in Moerdijk, the netherlands, to prevent. The hosting cost for the first three years, nearly 8,000 euro per month.

The current website of in the first three years of its existence nearly a half-million euro cost. What are the costs after that period are made, seems to be shrouded in mystery. This is evidenced by internal documents of the ministry, where NOS is 3 the hand knew.

The lion’s share of the cost has risen to hosting. Converted cost the hosting of the first three years, nearly 8,000 euro per month. The chances are that the cost for the hosting of the new website, higher: the infrastructure must be more robust, and the government considers cloud services is not yet a serious option.

At the end of april did Minister Donner is still the Second Room know that the disadvantages of cloud computing ‘at this point, overall, outweigh the benefits’. So is the market, according to Donner, ‘immature’ and would only be a small number of providers of cloud services is “mature enough” for government purposes can be used. It is not known whether a hybrid model, however, is negotiable. In a hybrid model would be the hosting intern can be arranged, which, for the occasional peak load use can be made of an additional ‘burst-a service such as CloudFlare.

Since the start of in 2005, the project is a laborious process. As it turned out the site after the fire in Moerdijk not work well and had also in 2007, at the time of a big storm, to contend with downtime. After the Moerdijk fire, the Ministry of Security and Justice extra money available for a new site to develop.

“After the fire in Moerdijk, Minister Opstelten stated that never down,” is read in the pieces. “With that given and the fact that there is a lot of criticism was on the lack of social media, there is the beginning of this year made a commitment for money for a new website to develop.”

From the documents it appears that there is an external project manager is appointed to order. One of the requirements for the new website, is that it is provided with excellent hosting. The external project leader is currently busy with the hostingselectie and on the basis of previously identified needs, and the cms want to select.

It is not known on the basis of what criteria a hosting company and underlying infrastructure is selected. So it is not known whether the current version of ever is subject to a stress test, and is missing concrete information about the infrastructure.

Previously had TDC Lighthouse, that the cms of the website was to know that is designed to these many visitors can handle. So serves the website in case of an emergency only static pages, which by the cms on a different server running – can be pre-generated. This leads to a lower server load than a page with each visit must be re-generated.

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