HTC allows users under the lwa installed apps to remove


HTC is going in the next version of Sense possible to create under the lwa installed apps to remove. That says the manufacturer against The user will, however, still does not have the Android skin from turning off.

The possibility of pre installed apps to delete is still absent, but it will come in a next version of Sense, says Drew Bamford, HTC responsible for the development of the Android-skin, in an interview with “It’s a feature users ask for it.”

However, there are some obstacles to get the feature to build. “Some of our apps to replace system. For example, if you the camera app, remove any photos, take more. Not all apps are so removable. Moreover, providers do not that you have the opportunity to have their apps on your device. So We have yet to invent how we are exactly going to build.” Providers are afraid of complaints from consumers who accidentally delete an app they actually want to keep. “That costs the helpdesk of the provider time and money.”

HTC would be the first that makes it possible to pre-installed applications to remove. Providers and manufacturers that generally it is not possible. It is also easier to use apps to remove; on the HTC phones is that now is still a time-consuming procedure.

Sense get already a redesign, which many of the features are hidden. “We find that it confuses people, so we are going to the most used features more visible, while the less used features a bit more in the background. So it must Sense easier.”