“Blogger and Picasa will be renamed to Google Blogs and Photos’


Google would be blogdienst Blogger and the photo site Picasa, a other name. Blogger needs Google Blogs going to be called, while Picasa was renamed would have to be Google Photos. Following would be the introduction of Google+.

The possible imminent change of name is reported by Mashable, that relies on anonymous sources. According to the news site would Google to a further harmonisation of its names need to be decided after the end of June, Google+ launched, the new social networking site currently in test phase is running. The search giant did not comment on the reports. Renaming Blogger and Picasa, respectively, Google Blogs and Google Photos would within a month and a half made need to be and should walk away with the public introduction of Google+ on July 31, would need to take place.

Google has in the course of the years various web sites and services that it has acquired a different name. So was Jotspot transformed to Google Sites, while the voip provider GrandCentral in 2009, Google Voice came to call. Despite the fact that Blogger and Picasa brand, continues to YouTube however, his name is retained. The service Google Video was previously phased out by the zoekreus.