Sony: we were hacked because we have our property protected


Sony ceo Howard Stringer gave at a meeting for shareholders its opinion on the disabling of the PlayStation Network. Stringer thinks that the network is hacked because of Sony’s intellectual property trying to protect it.

“We believe that we have become a victim of an attack because we tried our intellectual property to protect our content, in this case our video games. These are our corporate assets, and there are people who do not want that we protect, that want everything to be free”, kept a Stringer of a room full of shareholders. He replied thus to a question about the background of the incident. The ceo of the Sony Corporation, was given over to the arguments of Anonymous, the group responsible for the hack on Sony’s PlayStation Network.

With the break-in, the account information of over 70 million members of the network is captured, including 10 million credit card details. Anonymous announced that Sony wanted to attack because the Japanese group a lawsuit filed against George ‘GeoHot’ Hotz. Who published the end of 2010, the root key of the PlayStation 3. Hotz has always insisted that he was not to do was to make it able to play pirated games on the PlayStation 3. He decided the firmware of the PS3 to fall when Sony decided to make the OtherOS capability from the firmware. This allowed Linux to no longer be started. Stringer reported against shareholders, however, only has the possibility to pirated games to play, what the hack from Hotz and associates also possible.

Stringer received a shareholder demand submitted or it wasn’t time to leave, to make room for a fresh start after what is seen as the largest data theft on the internet”. That question was, by the chief dodged.