Google tool will turn Flash file into json object


Google has a tool released that enables Flash content in a json-object can be converted. This allows Flash content to be made suitable for devices without Flash plug-in. The output works best with Webkit browsers.

The online tool Swiffy from Google offers developers the ability to use their Flash content into a json object. With json, javascript can be easier with data to be worked on. The json object is a javascript runtime running, with html, css and svg are used to render. Google has four examples of Swiffy output online.

The output works best in Webkit-browsers, according to Google Swiffy svg features that are only in Webkit. Among other Chrome and Safari, both on desktop and on iOS, Webkit as a rendering engine on board. The tool can be useful for Flash content to make it suitable for devices with a Webkit browser without a Flash plug-in, in other words: the iPhone and iPad.

The tool still has its limitations. So ActionScript is only partially supported, and may uploaded swf files up to 512KB in size. Also, the output will be approximately 10 percent more storage space than the original.

Adobe has earlier this year the software released that Flash files can be converted to a combination of javascript, html and css. Unlike the Google tool, this concerned client software. Moreover, the software Adobe the original Flash files, whereas Swiffy works with swf-files. Also, the Adobe software is possible to set the output to edit; the tool gives readable code as output. Swiffy output can in principle also be adjusted, but the source code is a lot less readable.