Hundreds of meetings during International Arduinodag


Who, for example, even deeper into the world of home automation wants to come, can Saturday worldwide for different events during the Arduino Day. These are projects with the open-source computing platform central.

Arduino Day, or the International Arduinodag, is an annual event in which the open-source platform for a full day in the interest. Throughout the world, hobbyists, workshops for experts and ‘newbies’. Over 250 groups here do.

In the Netherlands and Belgium held four meetings, in Alkmaar, Rotterdam, Ghent, belgium and Zwijndrecht (B). There are then existing and future projects, such as wearables. On a map, all events during Arduino Day to consult.

With an Arduino board are plenty of applications to consider. So was the minicomputertje used for a “smart” sweater, which allows the wearer to discreetly messages can be sent. Also works a student is now a project for which the sign is used for a 3d-scanner.

Read more about the Arduino or do you have specific questions about? Then look at the forum.