The bad word Koalitionsbruch



The bad word Koalitionsbruch

Threatens the ruling coalition on refugee policy to break up? The CSU threatened in the dispute over the border with a Verfassungsklage. The tightened asylum laws should only next week into the Federal Cabinet.

He could with a clear Yes answer, said Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert in the recent Regierungspressekonferenz on the question of whether the government in the refugee question is still able to act. Doubt will come but not only with journalists in Berlin, after the coalition between the CDU, CSU and SPD for weeks over tightening of the rules in the asylum, arguing that actually, already by the end of last year decided should be. Now is the so-called “asylum package II” again from the agenda of the Cabinet disappeared, the to this Wednesday meet.

The main objective of this proposed legislative changes, the reduction of the Flüchtlingszahlen. Refugees with low prospects of remaining would continue in a “special reception centres” with “Residenzpflicht” accommodated to you in case of a rejection of your Asylantrages faster pushing off. As Abschiebehindernis the only life-threatening or serious illnesses to apply. On both there is Unity in the coalition.

Dispute over family reunification takes to

But since November last year, arguing the coalition partners have a different point of the planned Asylrechtsänderung: the family reunion. Especially the CSU, but also parts of the CDU want to limit it, while the SPD insists that, for example, hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria, their families are able to make up for. Now, it is said that a Spitzentreffen this Thursday finally some and the “asylum package II” in the next week to the Cabinet to bring wool.

But the crack in the coalition in the refugee issue goes much, much deeper. The government of the free state of Bavaria decided on Tuesday, a
Letter to Chancellor Merkel
set up, in the ultimate instant of strict inspections and a complete registry of all border crossing points to Austria calls for, as long as there is no European solution is to give the refugees and
after Germany waved through

There is also Bavaria on an upper limit of 200,000 refugees for 2016, and the rejection of all the refugees from safe Countries of origin. Otherwise there is the danger of the free state with a Verfassungsklage in Karlsruhe.

While in Munich, indicating that it is a step at the state level between the state and the Federal government go, sees the SPD faction Leader Thomas Oppermann in the announced Verfassungsklage a lawsuit by the CSU-Chef Horst Seehofer against the CDU – Chairman Angela Merkel. This was the “announcement of a Koalitionsbruches”.

One such case in the history of the Federal Republic did not yet exist. It was “a Signal of the CSU, that this government no longer einigungsfähig and is able to resolve conflicts. This is grist to the mill of right-wing parties in this country.” The populist AfD has become Germany’s double-digit poll numbers.

On the question of whether the SPD because of the letter from Bavaria, now the coalition as a terminated look at, ” Oppermann “no”. So this is not meant to be. But before “such Parteifreunden” (like Seehofer, d. A.) had to Merkel to be protected. The CSU must decide whether they are government or Opposition wanted to be. At the same time, the SPD politician, Merkel should also be in your party in order.

Withdrawal of the critics?

The alleged rebellion in the CDU parliamentary group against its own Chancellor, there was, however, long since blown off. The critics gave up the originally for this Tuesday’s scheduled vote on the Flüchtlingskurs Merkel. They only had about 100 of the over 300 Unionsabgeordneten on your side.

One of the initiators, the CDU parliamentarian Armin Jäger said, you have still effect. He referred to a new Plan from the CDU-Vizechefin Julia Klöckner. This, in addition to the, Merkel sought pan-European reduction of Flüchtlingszustroms a stricter securing the German border and the establishment of border camps.

A calming effect on the Situation within the CDU act, apparently, two things: Some of Merkel’s critics will receive headwinds from their own constituencies, particularly in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate, where on 13. March new provincial Council will be elected. On the other, the Merkel-critics are apparently of a course correction to the Chancellor. It was perhaps only a matter of time, said representative hunter. He believe that the Chancellor of national measures on the border in their Repertoire have. Hunter: “We may have different Geduldsfäden.”