From iPhone 3G to glorified iPod Touch


While the first software to the new iPhone 3G to jailbreak just out, is the managed the new smartphone from Apple hardware to build up a iPod Touch m lwa t camera.

After a few days before the official lwa le introduction of the iPhone 3G, the first European review preview published, could be a vervolgartikel of course – certainly not after we have mention made of two screws without the unit actually open to screws. This was also the visitors will not go unnoticed. so with another device in the rematch went.

The result? A opengeschroefde iPhone 3G, some pictures, and, unintentionally, unwritten guide to en passant, what functionality from the smartphone to remove it thus giving you a iPod Touch with camera only. Fair is fair: we are obviously not proud of. Without the device deliberately to have been sabotaged, and with the utmost care from each other to have met and to have put the 3G after installing the network no longer. Result? An iPhone 3G without belmogelijkheid, which you so effectively it’s nothing more left than an expensive iPod Touch, but then completed. n with camera.

We have of course tried the device to resuscitate, but after repeated attempts, we have the belfunctionaliteit Monday, really, if death should render. For those who are wondering whether the screws at the bottom of the 3G are designed so that third-party battery replaced? We doubt it 🙂 If it is put together so closely, listening to, and the bonded battery also only can be removed after the pcb from the unit is removed, the screws are not added to the removal of the battery easier…