“Blizzard brings Hearthstone expansion Goblins vs Gnomes on 9th december”


Blizzard the Hearthstone expansion Goblins vs Gnomes on 9th december in Europe release. The expansion of the annual fanbeurs Blizzcon already announced and adds more than 120 new cards to the game.

The cards can be in multiple ways, so writes Blizzard on his blog. Players can gain access to the additional cards by setting them to ‘make it’, to win in Arena mode or purchase them in packages. The developer reports that the new packages of Goblins vs Gnomes in the same manner as the already available packages. In addition, a so-called spectator mode was introduced, but players would have the option to tick the box to use.

The expansion pack Goblins vs Gnomes starting december 8 in various parts of the world; Europe is following only a day later. The new maps are, as previously known, issued for Windows, Mac, and iPad. Later this month, would Hearthstone for Android tablets to appear.