Seehofer: “The turn has come”



Seehofer: “The turn has come”

The CSU boss wants the pressure on the Chancellor at the issue of dealing with refugees increase. At the same time introduces a new concept in the Asyldebatte next. Berlin is discussing Limits, quotas, and transit Zones.

“We will not relent,” affirmed CSU-Chef Horst Seehofer, his hard-line refugee policy. Before a Parteivorstandssitzung in Munich, argued the Bavarian Prime Minister again for a change of course: “The turnaround over the next weeks, months to come.” You should not wait until the next Million people arrived in Germany.

In an official letter to the German government wants the Bavarian state government, the effective protection of the German borders require. All Verfassungsjuristen be agreed, that the Federal government was obliged, said Seehofer. The proposal of the CDU-Vizechefin Julia Klöckner for Grenzzentren and daily quotas, he said expressly. “This Plan is very much what we have for many months as the free state of Bavaria and Christian Social Union represented.”

A new Plan

Kloeckner, top candidate of the CDU in the state elections in Rhineland-Palatinate, calls in your so-called “Plan”, “A2”, among other things, refugees are increasingly at the boundary to dismiss. The moving wants through per day flexible fixed maximum limit. In the paper, the unionsintern controversial term “Cap” is avoided, the concept of running de facto, however, to limits beyond. So according to Klöckner, the admission of refugees, not more, after the crowds at the border crossings, but only after the existing capacities of countries and communities”.

The Bleibeberechtigung of refugees wants the CDU-politician directly in the centres at the German-Austrian border check; a negative result will be a “quick Return”.

Profiled CDU-Vizechefin Julia Klöckner with your new Flüchtlingskonzept against Merkel?

“Anti-Merkel Plan”

The coalition partners triggers Klöckners Plan on rejection. From the point of view of the SPD-Chef Sigmar Gabriel, if it was an “election campaign” and have in the coalition have no Chance of implementation. “What you proposed is not the subject of the deliberations of the refugee policy of the Federal government,” said Gabriel.

The Deputy SPD Chairman Ralf Stegner criticized the Flüchtlingskonzept the CDU-politician as an “Anti-Merkel Plan”. The radio station Deutschlandfunk, he said, it is profitable to nothing, every day there are new proposals to make as long as “the homework” in this country is not done. Klöckner wool with your Plan, merely about falling poll numbers in Rhineland-Palatinate hide this fact. “The PR-nonsense woman Klöckner helps no one,” added Stegner in the “Passau New press”. If the course of German Chancellor Angela Merkel for find wrong, “then they should also have the courage, the courage to say it, instead of cowardly the open break with official wordings to explain,” said the SPD politician.

A Supplement or Alternative?

Klöckner, in turn, sees her Plan is not as an Alternative but as a complement to the strategy of the Chancellor. “Up to European plans are adopted and work, it takes me too long. Therefore, we need to act now, instead of us by the decisions of others to propel or block to leave”, said Klöckner their foray in the “Passau New press”. Merkel rejected Limits on refugees so far, and calls instead for a solution to the refugee crisis at the European level.

Also the Green beat in terms Klöckners “Plan A2” critical tones. “This is not a new Plan but is very similar to the Transitzonenvorschlag, we have a couple of weeks to discuss it,” said Green party leader Simone Peter the news channel n-tv. It was here only to “populist activism”. She stressed: “If we say that the fundamental right to asylum for people who come to us is true, then the people need to be registered and to be tested.” This must not be allowed “on such Grenzzentren somewhere in the no man’s land”, but in an ordinary trial, said Peter. Was needed, instead, more staff to provide the asylum process to speed up.

Refugees on the Austrian-German border over the number of registrations there is uncertainty

“Hanebüchener Nonsense”

About how many refugees every day, at the German borders to be registered, however, there is disagreement. The of the police Union (DPolG) has the information of the Federal Ministry of the interior strongly objected to. It was “hanebüchener nonsense,” if the Ministry say that currently, every day up to 3,500 refugees at the borders of registered would be criticized Gewerkschaftschef Rainer Wendt. Wendt referred to the statistics of the Federal police, which, according to currently daily, approximately 2000 refugees arrive, of which 500 to 700 erkennungsdienstlich could be treated. This includes the collection of personal and biometric data.

The head of the Bundespolizeigewerkschaft within the DPolG, Ernst Walter, was equally upset about the information of the Ministry of the interior. “Whoever the Federal Minister of the interior, these wrong Numbers are written down, is actually immediately released,” urged Walter.

The editorial recommends

“We can do it”, so since a half year Mantra of Angela Merkel in dealing with the refugee crisis. It does not want to abandon, so much of the pressure on them also grows. (22.01.2016)

Germany will be another country, when even more refugees, as 2015 is coming, warns the CSU Chairman to conclude in Wildbad Kreuth. An exit from the Grand coalition castle Seehofer. (21.01.2016)

The disagreement between the Chancellor and the CSU in the refugee policy in Wildbad Kreuth openly revealed. The CDU chief remains in their line, the CSU responded disappointed. (21.01.2016)

In the dispute over the proper course in the refugee policy expresses not only the SPD on the Tempo: Chancellor Merkel gets also from the sister party more pressure. CSU chief Seehofer is threatening with legal steps. (16.01.2016)

Only half of the truth?

At the weekend, had the “picture on Sunday” the Ministry of the interior with the specification quoted, that in the meantime up to 3,500 refugees per day at the border erkennungsdienstlich could be treated. Furthermore, it was Ressortchef Thomas de Maizière with the statement rendered, were currently “every day, between 100 and 200 persons of the Federal police at the border refused”. In the Figures of the Rejected, if it were only “half the truth”, explained Walters Deputy Heiko Teggatz of the Bundespolizeigewerkschaft. It is assumed, that the most Rejected “again later illegally crossing the green border to enter”. Part of you would already hours after the rejection again.

nin/sti (dpa, afp, rtr)